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From Black Friday To Red January And Beyond

Writer: Suzanne GuestSuzanne Guest

It’s Easter Sunday and I’ve just come back from a yoga class! The intention wasn’t to burn off my breakfast, which was chocolate, but to get my motivation back to go to the gym. I joined a gym on a Black Friday deal, who even does that? I joined on a month by month basis rather than commit to a year and five months later I’m still going. However I’m far from being the committed gym bunny I aspire to be. I was so rubbish at PE at school that I got a certificate for bringing my PE kit in and I pride myself on being the least competitive person I know. Though I appreciate that is slightly competitive. I joined the gym because I wanted to be a bit fitter and a bit less wobbly here are some of my observations from gym life:

1 Most people are pretty kind I had the horror of being the fattest and unfittest person in Body Pump. I signed up to a class not really knowing what it was and certainly not realising there were weights involved. However no one laughed and people showed me what to do. I made the even bigger mistake of doing a Body Attack class, you jump around until you feel like you’ve been assaulted. Was the fattest and unfittest in the class, but people were encouraging, and I’m pretty sure they would have called an ambulance if needed. In the main gym I’ve found that big men with muscles are always happy to help you reach the equipment that a 5 foot 1 woman struggles with.

2 If you do a work out and don’t tweet it, it still counts... Who knew ? I signed up to do Red January, which is run by Mind, with the aim of getting people to do some form of physical activity every day. It did help having a goal of doing something little every day, but I found filling my chart in and posting about it was a bit of a chore, so I stopped posting, but still did the activity. Was a relief to not have to share what I’d done and I’m sure my Facebook friends were glad that they could stop having to post the encouraging “well done hun” comments every time I posted that I’d been spinning.

3 The perfect routine that never gets done won’t make you fitter. People are always telling you the best way to exercise. This week there has been research about exercising in the evening is better than the morning. If you’re a professional athlete then you want to have an optimal workout, but if not then a workout that you can stick to is always going to be better. I like to go the the gym between appointments or in the morning. I am too tired after work. I want my tea then and after that I don’t feel like doing it. I’m not getting into being perfect, just want to wobble a bit less.

4 Not all yoga is created equally I signed up to Freestyle Fitness Yoga. There was weights and songs from the hit parade! I didn’t go back. Namaste! 

5 Going to the gym makes washing I not a domestic goddess, I’m no Mrs Hinch but I have found that I’ve got into a better routine to make sure my gym gear is clean. Thankfully it’s stretchy so doesn’t need ironing. Having nice gear to wear does make you want to wear it more.

6 You need to have a recovery plan I am honestly a bit shocked that I’m still going to the gym. However I have found the bits I like. It’s not a place a feel super confident though. Pretty much everyone is fitter than me. I had some personal training sessions and I’d learned what to do, then had to change trainer and to be honest it totally knocked my confidence. I was still in pain 3 days later. I don’t get off on bragging about DOMS. I only know what DOMS are because I follow Joe Wicks on Instagram. I’ve not been to the gym for a couple of weeks. My plan was to go to yoga and get back to the gym. So yoga today and I’m going to do a little work out tomorrow.

7 Spinning hurts your bum I went spinning, the first class I went into the instructor was great.She showed me what to do and how to set my bike up. Had the slightly awkward moment when she told me I needed to lower my seat and it was on the lowest setting. Suggestions to help by plight of sore bum were: Spice Girls shoes Putting my jumper over the seat Getting a gel seat Standing on your pedals the whole class I tried the jumper and gel seat, but still got a sore bum. I went to a class with a different instructor. He didn’t really instruct though and he took his seat off. I’m glad I didn’t go to that class first as I would’ve have gone back. I’ve registered to do a spin class on Friday. The least exciting Black Friday Deal has been a bit of a revelation to me I am shocked that I’m still doing it and I think Red January helped me get back into it after Christmas. I’ve got a black tie do in 3 weeks. Let’s hope I can get in my dress......   #gym #exercise #motivation #RedJanuary #yoga



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